Do Electricians Need a Degree?

Becoming an electrician doesn't require a college degree, but it does require a high school diploma or equivalent. Learn more about the requirements for becoming an electrician in Maryland.

Do Electricians Need a Degree?

Becoming an electrician doesn't require a college degree, but it does require a high school diploma or equivalent. To become a licensed electrician, you must complete an optional training program, a 4-5 year apprenticeship program, and pass the state licensing exam. Elite Force is the leading construction personnel company in the United States, and they specialize in placing electricians and skilled trades workers in the commercial and industrial space. Those who are interested in working with electricity and related components, but don't want to be an electrician, have several career paths available to them.

When you work as an electrician in Maryland, you can work in residential, commercial, or industrial areas depending on your license. Those who wish to pursue further studies can do so through community college, which offers associate's degrees in electrical engineering and technology. The job field for electricians is growing rapidly, so now is a great time to become an electrician in Maryland. Before you can apply for the state master electrician license, you must have seven years of electrical experience under the supervision of a master electrician.

You'll also need to learn from an experienced industrial electrician when you're ready to start your apprenticeship before becoming a licensed electrician. The test assesses an electrician's knowledge of local and state codes and national electrical codes. Electricians need sharp eyesight and good hand-eye coordination, as well as adequate time management skills. One of these options is to become an electrician, which offers a competitive salary and plenty of job opportunities once you get the license.

These include certified professional electrician (CPE) distinction from independent electrical contractors, certification through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), among dozens of additional electrician certifications available. You can even look for an independent learning program with a licensed electrician or through a commercial organization.

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